Useful tools for development & data science
I have compiled this list over the years to give some credit to projects that have made my life easier.
- Git, especially the following commands:
git add -p
git cherry-pick
git rebase -i HEAD~N
git blame
- ZSH, and more specifically Oh my Zsh and its Git plugin
- When it comes to choosing an IDE, I usually use VSCode (including its browser-based alternative), but I have used SublimeText & PyCharm in the past
- My development workflow usually involves experimenting in Jupyter, quickly moving code to python packages in VSCode and importing them using
pip install -e
and the autoreload extension.
Python code
- For linting: Pylint & Black
- For testing: Pytest and unittest, especially for its mock submodule
- For logging: python’s built-in logging module (here is a snippet for a quick setup)
Data science
- Let’s start with the obvious: scikit-learn, pandas, NumPy, PyTorch & TensorFlow
- Kedro & Metaflow provide interesting frameworks when building applied ML systems
- MLflow for simplified experiments logging